Robert Ball - Page 3

February 7, 2020

Hi everyone,

Updates on Robert Ball's XP-67 project are up on the site. Click on a picture to open it in another window (and right side up).

Robert would like to know - Does anyone know of someone with a large 3D printer that might be interested in printing the mold for the canopy and turtle deck, Looking for printer capable of printing up to 20” in length to keep the parts count down. Cost is a major concern as this is a one off deal?

I’ve started the horizontal stabilizers. These had to be built and installed before I could square up the fuselage for planking.  During construction of the fuselage there was a slight twist in the outcome. Having the horizontal stabilizers installed gave me the ability to measure the squareness.

Here are the stabs with the bottom sheeting in place.
In the shop light you can’t see the laser however the vertical stab is aligned straight up, then I measured from the horizontal laser beam to the card at the end of each wing and stabs, tweaking until all came out level.

After all was square and level I clamped a 3’ strip of 1x2 onto the vertical stab king posts then down to my work bench. This will hold the fuselage square as I plank it.  When I’m done covering the top, the fuselage will hold straight and I'll be able to turn it over to cover the bottom.


If anyone wants to see planking in progress come on by!

A little planking started yesterday

Some of the 1/4” wide planks require to be tapered up to 20” to blend from the wide areas to the narrow nose.  I suspect I’ll be at this awhile!


February 10, 2020

Some more planking today, thou a long time coming the shape of the fuselage is starting to appear. Each side uses (2)48” 1/4” wide planks at a time, some are tapered and some are beveled to fit with an almost 90 degree twist from the rear to the midpoint of the fuselage.

Just wanted to share this side view of the Moonbat...the smooth symmetry of the shape so replicates the XP-67!  This project would never have happened without the expertise of Chris and his ability to render in 3D and Jim taking his efforts and turning them into cut files!   I think I probably have a few months of planking ahead of me!

February 13, 2020

As the day went by I progressed to the point in planking that I had to stop to frame in the battery hatch covers.  My plan is to plank up to the hatch then plank the hatch separately while it sits in place on the fuselage.  Seems better than covering it over with the fuselage and then cutting it out later.  Now... If only a bright idea will materialize on how to latch it!

February 14, 2020


The port battery hatch was completed today. To give you an idea of what’s required, there 30 parts including the planks to each hatch. Given the compound curves of the piece there isn’t any convenient way to cover them.

With out the pins and the edges sanded flush, after the aircraft is fiberglassed I’ll use auto glazing to tighten up any gaps in fit that show up.   Magnets are on order!  Alan Smith gave me a short course on dealing with magnet strength and how properly use them to hold parts together.  Thanks Alan!