Robert Ball - Page 4
April 3, 2020
Just arrived, the plug for the canopy and turtle deck, perhaps Monday I’ll start the process of waxing and buffing to prepare for the fiberglassing. I’ve never fiberglassed with a plug that you pull the part off. What I've done always in the past is to shape a foam plug, fiberglass it then melt the foam.
I’ve also started waxing the canopy plug. First I taped up areas where I wanted the excess fiberglass to end on and started a process of waxing then buffing the plug. This will happen 8-9 times to make sure any surface issues are filled and smoothed. After I’m happy I’ll start laying on multiple layers of fiberglass. The blue tape should ease the initial release of the part from the plug (I hope).
May 12, 2020
This afternoon I sprayed the cockpit plug with several coats of PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol - a water based mold release), after it dried for a couple of hours Glynda and I placed three layers of 3/4oz. fiberglass cloth on to the plug then rolled toilet paper over the plug to absorb any excess epoxy.
May 24, 2020
I had been planking using SIG Bond, a yellow glue. It works well except for one issue that’s a pain in that it is very hard to sand flush with the planks generally leaving a thin line of hard glue just proud of the planks.
I turned around and went old school on the bottom of one nacelle using Sig-ment, an old school model airplane cement out of a tube, similar to Ambroid. It glues well and sands easily but is a mess to use. The glue builds up on your fingers until finally you have to stop and peel it off.